Thursday, June 14, 2012

Grey's Anatomy Season 5 Finale...

I’m already making another post, let alone another Grey’s Anatomy post, in less than 24 hours. Well continuing on how I want my life like Grey’s Anatomy, again minus a hospital massacre, death of friends, and being cheated on in a relationship, I believe I may never risk my own life for someone else. I know its cliche since I want to be a physician and save others life, but I don’t. What George did in the last two episodes of Season 5 Grey’s Anatomy was great, but I would probably never do it.
    First, I highly doubt I’ll join any part of the U.S. Army, even the U.S. Air Force. Though I could join before medical school and they will pay my tuition, but I don’t like that I have to still need them during residency, which could take 3 to 7 years depending on what specialty I go in, neurosurgery is 6 years usually, which means I would have to work for the Army for 10 years. That means in my early 40s I should be out of all debt, money and service wise. Well in that time, America can be in another war and I may have to go to a different part of the world near a war zone. I would like helping people, but not so much when I risk my life. That could potentially mean the people I’m helping and myself could be killed instantly. 
    Second, I highly doubt I’ll save a stranger. I may not have courage to save a family member. Twisted, but true for me. They are part of me, they should be important to me. Society may frown upon that, but everyone doesn’t conform to society, In society, people die and people get killed, just like people who don’t conform to society. This prospective of mines may change, but I may never know. I fear death. Not others dying so much, but my death. I doubt I’m alone, but I feel like it. People don’t like thinking about death, well not liking so much to say. They don’t want to think about it, but sadly I do. Revelations are not things I like, to many others it may. This just shows how twisted I am. It just shows how much of a Cristina Yang I am. It just shows how much I need a Meredith Grey in my life…

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