Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My 10th Grade Report Card (2nd Semester)…

Well got my report card last week, but I was too lazy to take a decent picture and post it. I’m not going to lie about how I feel about my report card, I don’t like it. The only reason why I don’t like it is because I got a 89 in Accelerated Math II. I’ve had the same teacher since the beginning of 9th grade (Accelerated Math I) and I have only gotten one A in her class, which was a 91. Each time I get an 89, I’m mad because we round up our grades from 89.45 to 89.99 to a 90. I’ve gotten an 89.26 and 89.36 and I’ve been mad because I didn’t get an extra point or two on tests to be able to push it up to at least an 89.45.  I can’t blame my teacher, it was my choice not to study harder to get better grades. I feel like the asshole in me is coming out because I’m complaining about not getting an extra few tenths of a point on my grade to get an A in the class, while others would just be thankful to get a C or D in the class.
    Though Math II grade was the lowest, it wasn’t the hardest class. Chemistry was. I had to work hard for that grade. The teacher was awesome, but the subject was hell. I was the only African American to get an A in the class both semesters. Next year, I scheduled to take AP Chemistry with the same teacher, so it may be very stressful for my life beginning in August, I’m just glad I didn’t fail any of my classes.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Dental School Debt…

Just read on the Student Doctor Network (http://forums.studentdoctor.net/showthread.php?t=898902) that some people have accrued debt that has matched or even eclipsed than physicians. Some are reporting they are going to accrue debt over 400k. Well if that prospect seems to happen to most other people in the future, which I believe it will, then that means no dental school for me. That means a 1/3 of my previous post isn’t relevant anymore within only a few hours. Just more of a reason to do good in school, go to medical school, succeed, and match into a competitive specialty that I love and can have a doable lifestyle I want.

Pharmacy School, Dentistry School, & Optometry School…

I just realized that during undergraduate school, if I believe medical school isn’t for me but still want to be in the medical field, but not be a nurse, I can still try to become a pharmacist, dentist, or optometrist. Sadly, pharmacy in its current state is supposedly oversaturated with graduate students looking for jobs. Optometrist usually start their own practice, people are saying that $50,000 in student loans are not worth the education, and they can’t actually operate on the eye, except . This is were opthamologists come in, which you have to go to medical school to do. Finally there are dentist, Dentistry seems like it is doing the best currently. Though dentistry schools are almost cost twice in tuition than optometry schools. Hopefully I don’t have to choose between the three and still decide to go to medical school by the end of my undergraduate schooling.


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Looking For A New House…

Currently, my family is trying to move to a different house before summer is up. We really want to be within a mile of my high school, so I can walk to school. Sadly it is hard enough to find a house that is within range to even ride the bus to my current high school. I see why so many people just get tired from looking for a house, let alone pack up and move. This is a great way I’m spending my summer. *sarcasm* ( ¬_¬)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Not Liking Myself…

Well, probably a lot of people go through this throughout their lives, but I really hate myself. I don’t like anything about me. I don’t even like my sense of humor or my level of intelligence, which are my biggest attributes. What I hate the most about me is my looks. Sad, but it’s true. I don’t like how I look. I don’t even like it enough to put a current picture of myself on this blog, but put a picture of me as a young child. It’s sad, in my opinion. I could do things, such as exercise and eating healthier, but I don’t have the motivation too. I’m just in the mindset of it’s not going to work. I should be happy that I’m alive, but I’m not living the way I want to. I want to have a good childhood and teenage years, but I never will. In the future when I’m asked by others or my future kids if I had wonderful youth years, I’m going to say no. I didn’t. I wish I could go back in the past and change things, but I can’t. This is why I looking into weight loss surgery, specifically the duodenal switch, for the future. I’m hoping to get it done during college. So may see it as an easy way out, but if you research about the duodenal switch it isn’t. This is why I wish and want to look like a Jackson Avery or Lenny Kravitz when I get older. You can always dream…

Friday, June 15, 2012

Song Of The Week…

I decided I should start doing a Song Of The Week so people can understand me more by knowing which songs I like,. Well this week it is OneRepublic’s All This Time. It is a beautiful song. It reminds me off a the type of song you would play at a wedding. I constantly listen to it for some reason.

Just Watched Ivy Dreams…

I just finished watching a T.V. show called Ivy Dreams. It is a documentary following four Asian American students throughout their senior year as they try their best to get accepted by Ivy League schools. It is a good documentary, but it displays the stereotypes of Asian parents for the most part. The stereotypes in my school is that Asians are the smartest in the school, are going to be doctors, lawyers, etc, and go to Ivy Leagues. Well the series confirmed some of the stereotypes, but not every Asian follows it. 
However, art my school, it’s not so true for my Asian friends. All their parents care about is that they don’t fail their classes and get accepted to college. They don’t want them to Ivy Leagues because they don’t want them to move far away, which is a stereotype but is cliche since the stereotype of parents wanting their child to go to Ivy League school, and they don’t want to spend so much money for them. So here, in Georgia, they push for Georgia Tech, Georgia State, and Emory University.
With me being African-american and colleges seeming to want more African-Americans, I guess I set my goals higher than them. I want to leave the South and go to school in the North. I have the grades to get into big colleges, but I would still need more to set me apart. Like in the documentary, one of the girls said that her mom said that your application is the beginning process of selling yourself to colleges. You can’t be ordinary, but you have to be extraordinary. I know this is a mess of a post, but Grey’s Anatomy is coming on so I go to go!
P.S: Here is the link to the documentary broken up into 10 parts on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2AD19262E93ABE95&feature=playlist-comment